
Volume 23, Issue 3 - Fall 2018

A Consumers’ Guide to Sentencing Reform: Reflections on Zimring’s Cautionary Tale

Richard S. Frase

Comparative Reflections on American Crime Declines

David T. Johnson

The Citizen’s Guide to Gun Control at 30

Sam Kamin

Zimring/Hawkins Citizen’s Guide to Gun Control: A Retrospective

James B. Jacobs

A Response to When Police Kill

Stephen Rushin

Why the State Stops to Kill: The Death Penalty and the Rule of Law in Taiwan

Kai-Ping Su

94 Different Countries? Time, Place, and Variations in Federal Criminal Justice

Mona Lynch

Superlative Subjects, Institutional Futility, and the Limits of Punishment

Keramet Reiter & Thomas Blair

On the (Im)morality of the Death Penalty

Meir Dan-Cohen

Is Public Opinion a Justifiable Reason Not to Abolish the Death Penalty? A Comparative Analysis of Surveys in Eight Countries

Roger Hood

Ranking States in Their Use of Evidence-Based Programs for Juvenile Offenders: A 20-Year Progress Report

Peter W. Greenwood

Police, Race, and the Production of Capital Homicides

Fagan & Geller

Frank Zimring and Gun Control: A True American Guru

Richard Harding

Punishing Mere Immorality? Skeptical Thoughts from a Comparative Perspective

Cristina de Maglie

Volume 23, Issue 2 - Spring 2018

“Lock Her Up!” How Women Have Become the Fastest-Growing Population in the American Carceral State

Spencer K. Beall

Volume 23, Issue 1 - Spring 2018

Letter from the Editors

Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law

Introduction: "Criminal Justice at a Crossroads " Symposium

Edwin Meese III & John Malcom

Through Police Eyes—the Ferguson Effect Scare

Ronald T. Hosko

Getting There: On Strategies for Implementing Criminal Justice Reform

Susan N. Herman

Introduction to a Debate: “Marijuana: Legalize, Decriminalize, or Leave the Status Quo in Place?”

Paul L. Larkin Jr

Marijuana and Legalization Impacts

Kevin Sabet

The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization and Regulation

Tamar Todd